Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fighting Domestic Terrorism

Or something like that. The FBI program actually comes across as pretty inept when reading these '5 Revelations'. Example:

"Local officials at these fusion centers are tasked with understanding terrorism, but have little or no training. To fill the void, self-styled experts with fairly extreme views on the scope of the Muslim terrorist threat are asked to come in and train local authorities, the Post reports. Professed ex-terrorist Walid Shoebat told a group at the first annual South Dakota Fusion Center Conference in Sioux Falls this year that they should monitor local Muslim student groups and mosques and try to tap their phones. "You can find out a lot of information that way," he said."

I took a class on counter-terrorism tactics with a neo-conservative professor a few years ago, and while I disagreed with nearly all of his political stances, I found myself agreeing with him on how to fight terrorism. He had a very pragmatic view and understood that terrorism is something to be handled, investigated, and prosecuted as a legal issue, much like Bill Clinton did as president. Unfortunately, George W. Bush did precisely what al-Qaeda wanted us to: get drawn in and bogged down in wars in the Middle East. Some day we will learn that you cannot bomb the ideas out of people, and violence only reinforces and spreads their ideology. Also, good luck trying to find terrorism in local mosques guys. Hope you enjoy being bored to death by speeches and khutbas on peace, tolerance, and coexistence, because that's all you're going to hear, unless you can entrap another 19 year old friendless moron.

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